Her annual summer-visit at Lehill Castle was over, and it would be hard for her to leave her son behind once again. She had already missed so much. However, being the Queen's Lady-in-waiting was an honor that Cordris couldn't refuse, and she was needed at the Queen's side at all times. Because she lived at Cynebury Castle she only saw her son a few times a year, and that was if her husband brought him to her. Her husband, Duke Nellus, was a member of the Queen's Royal Council and was a frequent guest at Cynebury Castle.

Living with the Queen and her family was no easy task. The Queen and the King had gotten old, and though the Queen's affections for him had not lessened, Cordris found herself dodging the King's advances.
It wasn't because Cordris was a lady who only had eyes for a husband who was too far away, but she knew who she really wanted in this castle, and it wasn't the old King.
The young, handsome Crown Prince was much more to Cordris' liking, and though it took a while for her to get his attention, she didn't regret one moment of it once it started. That was, until a day in the late summer..
Cordris was at a loss. She didn't know who her child's father was. It could be Duke's but it could also be the Crown Prince's. She decided to tell Gilan, but he told her that it was not his, that he wanted nothing to do with her anymore, and that she needed to go home to her husband.
And that was how Cordris lost her position as the Queen's Lady-in-waiting, and had to go home to her husband, fearing the consequences of what she had done.
3/17/2012 03:29:11 am

I have an idea!

Cordris may "lie" to her husband (in the game, try to make her gossip/talk with her husband and change the topic to something less interesting). At that point, you roll a six-sided die. If you roll a six, then that tells you that her husband has caught her lying and demands the truth. She tells the truth, and the adultery protocol ensues.

3/17/2012 08:57:11 pm

Nice chapter ^^ I kind of like Cordris (I liked her from the beginning, because I had a feeling that she would make the story interesting), and I can't wait to find what happens to her and the baby.

I wander what her husband and son will say about her pregnancy (please, say it is the Prince's child ^^").

Well, secret pregnancies and illegitimate children were something common during history, so I'm sure Cordris won't be the first one to go through something like this (I want this to happen in my game too, but until now I couldn't find a family for it - I made everyone just a little too perfect at the beginning XD ; but now there's gonna be a new King and everything will change soon ).

Nice beginning ^^ I can't wait to read more of your stories.

3/17/2012 10:27:58 pm

In the past, how a woman dealt with illicit affairs and illegitimate child would depend on her social rank and the culture in which she lived. Some historical women, particularly those of the upper-class, could get away with these affairs and pretend that the children were legitimate and sired by the husband. Empress Catherine the Great of Russia was one who had numerous extramarital affairs, but because she had overwhelming political power, her husband didn't stop her, and in fact, was abdicated from the throne.

I should think that the Bible would be an excellent resource for the sexual role of women in historical European feudalistic societies. After all, Europe was mostly dominated by Christianity, as the Middle East and Africa (still is) was mostly dominated by Islam.

3/18/2012 09:06:26 pm

That's a good idea, Kiwi, to roll for an outcome if she lies. I'm still not sure exactly what's going to happen, though, because she can't be sure *who* the father is. But since she and her husband are both blonde, and the prince has dark hair, it would be kinda obvious if the child was the prince's.. But I'm not sure she'd ever admit it. And maybe she'll visit the hag before it gets too far, but as I said, I really don't know yet..

3/18/2012 10:23:06 pm

Genetically, blonde woman could bear brown-haired children, taken account of ancestry as well as her mate. So, she could lie that her father and mother somehow had brown or even black hair and still get away with it! XD

3/20/2012 08:06:41 pm

I don't think it's possible (or more likely probably) for a brown haired child to be born from blond haired parents.The gene for blond hair it's recessive, while the one for brown hair it's dominant (or that's what I remember from my biology class back in 9th grade).While it is possible for two brown haired parents to have a blond haired child, it doesn't go the other way.

But that's what geneticists say and I don't think they even had terms like dominant genes or genome back in 69 A.E.
So I think Cordris doesn't have to worry about things like this.With some well chosen words she can lie to her husband and everyone else.

3/20/2012 10:33:25 pm

There's always a possibility that she can hide the baby's face from her husband's view and lie to her husband that the baby has blonde hair. When the baby grows up and shows brown hair, she can lie to her husband again, saying that it's perfectly normal for "blonde" children to grow up brunette. In the real world, some brunettes were once blondes as children.

On the other hand, she can say that she has been fertilized by divine intervention. XD

I can just imagine Cordris say this to her husband: "Well, you see, honey, God has given me blonde hair, and God has given my child brown hair." Roll a six-sided die to determine whether the husband will trust her lies. If a six results, then Cordris' lie is detected, and the husband can accuse her for adultery. Her punishment? Stoned to death. In the game, she may die from hailstones.

Lady F
3/20/2012 11:05:22 pm

Haha, that seems harsh! I think I'll let Cordris decide.. Maybe if she walks past the hag's house when I play the hag household, she has visited the hag? I think it will be something like that. And if she does end up giving birth to a child with brown hair, I'll figure out what to do from there. (:

3/23/2012 07:26:12 am

i love it good job


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